Color Me Reckless


Thanksgiving Round Up

CrochetLisa Seyfried

Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday.  It's generally the first time in a few months that my family gets all together (ok it's still tied to memories of going home from college after a long fall semester - and being almost done with classes. The calm before the storm), and now that I'm older, it's a great relaxing weekend.  I love that my family spends the day together, eats late, and then plays games into the night.  I love that the center of the holiday isn't the food, but the people. I'm pretty sure we could eat peanut butter sandwiches and it would still be my favorite holiday! Here's what I don't like about getting older - now I'm old enough to have my own household and so I am asked to bring something to Thanksgiving.  In any other family, this would be fine, but my family consists of several really really good cooks. So I bring wine and feel inadequate.

And then I realized that I could bring something else - something crafty that wasn't food! Here's a smattering of the amazing Turkey -themed crafts I've found.  I hope I have time to make one of them!

Turkey Amigurumi From Red Heart Yarn

 1. Tom Turkey from Red Heart. This is just too cute. I love how jaunty he looks!

Gobble Coaster from Yarn Pixie


2. Gobble Coaster from Yarn PixieI love the idea of crafty coasters for Thanksgiving.  I think it adds some fun to tables that are usually laid with the best dishes and fancy things like butter knives.

Cute Turkey by Teri Crews

3. Cute Turkey by Teri Crews. I love this little guy! So small and cute.  He'd be great to give to a small child on Thanksgiving!

Turkey Coaster by Craft Passion

4. Turkey Coasters from Craft Passion. Another spin on the Thanksgiving coaster. These also double as ornaments, so if your host is one who has their tree up already - this is perfect!

Crochet Pumpkin Pie from Crafty is Cool

4. Pumpkin Pie from CraftyisCool. If you don't want to make a turkey themed item, how about this adorable pie?

Turkey from Fiber Flux..Adventures in Stitching

5. Turkey from FiberFlux What I love most about this little guy is that he's not orange! So nice to see a Thanksgiving item in a different set of autumn hues.  Also, he's adorable.

I hope you're as inspired as I am to make something different this year for Thanksgiving!