Color Me Reckless

What's on the Camera

Color Me Lately: What's on the Camera

Color Me Lately, Life, What's on the CameraLisa Seyfried

So I took August off from blogging.  It was great to get away, have some opportunity to relax and not worry about the blog. But now I'm back to work! I'll be doing this series a bit in the future.  My goal is to work on my photography skills a bit and get used to taking the camera with me everywhere. Here's a bit of what I've been doing in August: Color Me Reckless

We went to visit my grandparents in Puerto Rico.  This was taken on the shore at a nature preserve near Humacao.  I love the color of the water and the rawness of the beaches.

Color Me Reckless


This was on top of a battlement constructed during World War II in Puerto Rico.  It was a good climb to the top!

Color Me Reckless

Beautiful flowers in my grandparent's backyard.  Husband was lizard hunting while I snapped photos of the the flowers.

Color Me Reckless

On our way to our anniversary trip, we stopped at a yarn store! Beautiful store, and a wonderful owner.  We chatted for a while, she taught me how to spin a bit (more on that soon!), and then we visited with her alpacas! So fun.

Color Me Reckless

Final anniversary location: Harper's Ferry, WV.  I loved this little town. It's well preserved and each shop has some interesting facts about the town.

Overall it was a great month! Lots of good travels and time spent with friends.  Definitely worth taking some time off the internet!