Color Me Reckless

What’s on the Hook

Color Me Lately, On the HookLisa Seyfried

I've had a few projects on the hook lately.  Some were frogged and discarded, other have made it on to WIP status.  Here's peek at what I've been working on:

Couch Blanket

V-Stitch Blanket | Color Me Reckless

I'm in love with this blanket.  I have tried three or four different variations, frogging it each time.  Now it's about half way done and I really like it! I'm hoping the rest goes quickly because I have a great idea for the border to work up.

Baby Blanket

Heart Baby Blanket |Color Me Reckless

This is such a sweet blanket.  The hearts make it perfect for a little newborn - wrapped in love.  You can find the pattern here and here.  The second link is the original pattern, and the first is a re-write of the pattern that I found easier to follow. I can't wait for this one to be wrapped around a little one!

New Soap Savers

New Soap Bag Design | Color Me Reckless

I've been hard at work designing new products for the holidays! These are the first off the hook.  A bit smaller, more compact, and with tighter stitches.  I found that the old soap saver bags stretched a bit, so I'm hoping these won't as much. So far my tester is working beautifully! Once I have these all made and I'm satisfied with them, I'll be putting the other ones on sale, so watch my Etsy shop for those!


Pillow in Progress | Color Me Reckless

I've been making these sweet little 12" pillows to sell.  They are the perfect accent pillow, and I've been making them with chunky yarn so they work up quickly.  This one will be another 12" one made with the scraps from the other three.   You can find the other pillows in my Etsy shop!