Color Me Reckless

My First Craft Show!

Crochet, LifeLisa Seyfried

I've been a bit absent the last few weeks here on the blog, but it's been for a great reason.  I got into a craft show! I'll be selling Color Me Reckless items at the DC Meet Market on May 3.  I'm so excited! But since I got the news a few weeks ago, it has been nonstop making items and running through checklist after checklist of everything I'd need for the show.

Craft Show Madness - Color Me Reckless

You can see that my workspace has exploded just a bit! But amid all the mess of yarn ends (and the Greek Square Blanket in the background!) there are great items happening! I set a goal for myself to make 500 items.  So far, with one month to go, I've got 50. So that might be a bit of a reach, but I think I can make it!

Craft Show Madness - Color Me Reckless


See? The items are coming together! You can see my new labels in some of the soap saver bags. So pleased with how those came out!

I'm hoping that this leads to more shows and more exposure - I would love to be able to make this my living someday. Wouldn't that be great?