Color Me Reckless

creative bug

Color Me Lately

Color Me Lately, What I'm DoingLisa Seyfried

Oh wow what a crazy few weeks it's been!! I feel like I've been running every which way and doing 17 things all at the same time.  I kept telling myself, 'Just make it to May! Things will calm down then!' which of course they haven't! Here's a snapshot of my life lately:

Craft show

My craft show set up - Color Me Reckless

I did my first craft show! I was at the DC Meet Market last Saturday.  It was a beautiful day and there were lots of people at the market.  Unfortunately, those lots of people didn't all stop at our booth. We only had a few sales, but I learned so much about doing a show.

Etsy store

Color Me Reckless - Soap Saver Bag

Color Me Reckless - Coaster Set

I spent a lot of time updating and refining my Etsy shop this weekend.  There are a ton of new items in the shop! Beautiful coasters, napkin rings, face scrubbers, and soap saver bags are all new.  Keep an eye out for new washcloths to do up in the next few days too!

Creative Bug course

Creative Bug Branding Series Course

Aside from all the crafting that's been going on, I've been taking a few courses! One is this Creative Bug class on Building a Creative Brand.  I'm really behind on it, but so far it's been really good.  I just finished the episode about writing a business plan.  Thankfully, my business plan draft was pretty close to what they recommend, but I definitely need to work on budgets and that kind of thing more.


And of course, I'm keeping up with creating new products! I have a list of things to create just for the summer that I think will be amazing and I'm so excited to start working on them all.

Here's to growing!