Color Me Reckless

corner to corner

Snuggling under Blankets Making Blankets

On the Hook, CrochetLisa Seyfried
Winter Blankets | Color Me Reckless
Winter Blankets | Color Me Reckless

I always use the wintertime to work on new blankets for around my house, and to get a jump on wedding blankets for the year. It's the perfect time to work on something warm and snuggling, that keeps you warm as it grows. There is nothing better than coming home from work, freezing and exhausted, and curling up on the couch with a warm blanket on the hook and a cup of tea steaming next to you.

I like to have several blankets going at once, because I get bored with the same thing fairly quickly.  Even just mixing up the colors in a new blanket with the same pattern works to keep me interested.  And I like that when I get tired of blue and grey, I can jump into red and white.

Winter Blankets | Color Me Reckless
Winter Blankets | Color Me Reckless

I just started a new blanket on Saturday.  It's an ombre corner to corner, and I absolutely love it.  I love the different hues of blues and I love how easy (and count-free) the pattern is.  While I love my ripples, counting each stitch so I know where to increase or decrease is frustrating after a while! It's great to be able to really zone out and let my mind conquer other problems.

Corner to Corner | Color Me Reckless
Corner to Corner | Color Me Reckless

Catching Up

Crochet, LifeLisa Seyfried

This week has been one of catching up. Catching up on watching video lectures, catching up on my daily blanket, and catching up on being creative. But it finally feels like I'm getting somewhere - like I'm getting back to the parts of being creative and learning that I enjoy.

I had a dentist appointment on Wednesday, and I forgot to take my book with me for the waiting room.  But I had my sketchbook, so I took it out and started sketching. And not just rough sketching out shapes and sizes, but adding in the shading, trying to work out color patterns in black and white. And I loved it! I felt so inspired by it - I hadn't realized how long it's been since I did sketching like that.

And that simple sketching for 15 min in the dentist's office made me so excited to come home and work out things 'in real life.' I started working up these new potholders, using the corner to corner method I love so much.

Corner to Corner Potholder - Color Me Reckless

It feels like a new start! I don't feel like I can only make these items I'm going to sell, and I don't feel limited at all. And I love this process.

Also - I finally finished up my placemats! I'm so proud of these - I even made the label all by myself with no help from Photoshop Wizard Husband.

Placemat Set of 2 - Color Me Reckless